In bloom this week...

 Purple Coneflower

 Butterfly Weed

 Oakleaf Hydrangea


 Passion Flower

 White Coneflower


 White Monarda
 Woodlander's Blue

 Creel's Gold Hypericum

 Common Ninebark


 Bronze Fennel

American Pokeweed


 Mexican Hats



 Society garlic

 Pink Monarda

 Creeping Thyme

 Sunflower (courtesy of the birds)

 Bottle-brush Buckeye





 Sweet Pepperbush

 Black-eyed Susan

 Joe Pye Weed

 Blazing Star Liatris

 Salvia microphylla

 Bald Cypress

 Paw Paw


 Common Milkweed

 Oakleaf Hydrangea

 American Beautyberry

 Wild Geranium

 A HoneyBee! An increasingly rare sight.

Verbascum thapsus

 White Phlox





 Rattlesnake Master

 Pitcher Plant

 Pitcher Plant

 Mountain Mint




 Coral Honeysuckle



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