This Week In the Garden

 Introducing the Moonlight Garden; Whats In bloom.

The Moonlight Garden has evolved over time from a quiet corner tucked away, thick with shrubs with light-colored and fragrant blooms to attract nighttime pollinators such as moths and beetles. The recent redesign of the moonlight garden now features trellis', a spiral stone bed with short radiating pathways for better views of the plantings. 

In Bloom this week:


Fleabane Erigeron philadelphicus

 And from the weedpatch...





 Purple Pitcher Plant

 Texas Sage

 Black and Blue Sage

 False Indigo

 Common Ninebark




 Wisteria (GA NAtive)

 Cross Vine

 Green and Gold

 Wild Geranium

 Duthman's Pipe

 Onithogalum umbellatum

Salvia coccinea


 American Holly

 Cumberland False Rosemary


Purple Robe Locust

 Oakleaf Hydrangea

Coral Honeysuckle

 Blue-eyed Grass

 Red-twigged Dogwood


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