In Bloom Today

 American Wisteria
 Day Lily
 Black Oil Sunflower (from birdseed)
 Common Milkweed

 Eastern Red Cedar
 Texas Sage
 Society Garlic
 African Basil
 'Hot Lips' Sage
 Purple Coneflower
 Coral Sage
Mohr's Barb's Buttons
 Pitcher Plant
 Common Ninebark
 False Indigo
 Japanese Beautyberry
 Rattlesnake Master
 Stone Mountain  Daisy

 Chaste Tree
 White Cone-flower

 White Bergamot
 Yellow Flower Honeysuckle
 Wild Geranium
 Butterfly Weed
 Passion Vine
 Asclepias sp.
 Oakleaf Hydrangea
 Purple Cone-flower
 Hopley's Purple Oregano
Black and Blue Sage
 White Milkweed
Standing Cypress


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